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środa, 12 maja 2021

Social Unrest and Police Violence: What’s going on in Colombia?

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“Social Unrest and Police Violence: What’s going on in Colombia?”

Tuesday, May 18th 2021, 18:00-19:30

Roundtable discussion with 

Gabriela Hernández, M.A. (Department of Spanish Language, UWr)

Dr. habil. Sören Brinkmann (Willy Brandt Centre, UWr)



At the end of April 2021 and in the face of the government’s plans for a new tax reform considered to be deeply unfair, protests broke out in some of the major cities of Colombia such as Bogotá and Cali. Harsh police repression triggered even more the scope and intensity of social unrest until reaching a peak on 1 May, International Worker’s day. On 2 May, the Colombian President Iván Duque declared that he would fully withdraw his tax plans. However, the protests continued as protesters widened the political goals of their movement while ongoing violent clashes launched by police forces and allegedly paid agitators caused more than thirty deaths. Against this background, our roundtable discussion proposes to deliver some basic information on the political and social background of the current wave of protests as well as on the government’s reaction in order to a wider public the very specific situation in one of the most important countries of Latin America.




Meetings are held on the Teams platform. To participate, please click on the link below. You don't need to have Teams installed. In this case, we recommend using Chrome or MS Edge browsers.


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Prof. Dr. Sören Brinkmann

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Czytany 2474 razy Ostatnio zmieniany wtorek, 18 maja 2021 16:30