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Annual of European and Global Studies

Annual of European and Global Studies (Edinburgh University Press)

The Annual of European and Global Studies (AEGS) intends to publish once a year a collection of articles dealing in a paradigmatic manner with European and global themes. The main goal of AEGS is to present a wide-angle scholarly reflection on paradigms, theories and issues concerning European-wide and global themes. AEGS is an independent scholarly periodical, based in the Willy Brandt Centre. Given its institutional base at the University of Wroclaw the AEGS wants also to encourage scholarly publications dealing with perspectives on European and global studies coming from Central and Eastern Europe as well as from non-European and non-American regions. 


The approach of AEGS is an interdisciplinary one, integrating mainly political science, sociology, philosophy, history, economics and law. The AEGS is also open to other disciplines dealing with social, political and legal aspects concerning European, transnational, supranational and global issues.


Volume 1: Religion and Politics: European and global Perspectives, edited by Johann Arnason (La Trobe University, Melbourne) and and Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski (WBZ, Wrocław) 

Volume 2: Variety of Modernities, edited by Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona)

Volume 3: Revolutions and Social Transformation, edited by Johann Arnason (La Trobe University) and Marek Hrubec (Charles University Prague)



Religion and Politics: European and global Perspectives.

Edited by Johann P. Arnason and Irenusz P. Karolewski, wyd. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press Ltd., Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy'ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2014, ss. 232 [nota o autorach, indeks],

[This volume is a collection of articles in memory of the late Willfried Spohn]       

seria : Annual of European and Global Studies, vol. 1

ISBN 978-0-7486-9173-9,



Managing editor: Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski,

Editors: Johann Arnason, Peter Wagner

Viktoria Kaina, University of Hagen (Germany)

Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest (Hungary) 

Andrzej Marcin Suszycki, University of Potsdam (Germany)


Emanuel Adler, University of Toronto

Saïd Amir Arjomand, Stony Brook University, New York

Maurizio Bach, University of Passau
Klaus Eder, Humboldt University, Berlin
Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University
Ayhan Kaya, Istanbul Bilgi University
Christian Lequesne, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Paris
Laurence McFalls, University of Montreal
Armandi Salvatore, University of Naples "L'Orientale"

Bo Stråth, University of Helsinki