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Mittwoch, 20 April 2022

Premiera książki "Entre Este y Oeste. Estado nación y Conflicto en la Ucrania conteporánea"

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We would like to invite you to a debate on the book Entre Este y Oeste. Estado, nación y conflicto en la Ucrania contemporánea (Between East and West. State, Nation and Conflict in Contemporary Ukraine). The meeting will be held online (streamed on You Tube) on April 20 at 8:30 a.m. COT, UTC-5 in Spanish.






Zrzut ekranu 2022-04-20 o 12.28.37Between East and West. State, Nation and Conflict in Contemporary Ukraine does not aim to take stock of EuroMaydan and its effects on today's Ukraine; on the contrary, it invites us to open up a panorama of the past by placing the dramatic events of 2014 in a broader historical perspective in order to better understand them.


This book is composed of texts by five authors who bring particular perspectives, but who, despite this particularity, revolve around a common thematic axis which is that of Ukraine's contested existence as a "borderland" between East and West. Each of the individual contributions covers a specific stage of Ukrainian history, leading progressively from the earliest times, through the 19th century and the long Soviet era, to the more recent political and social upheavals of independent Ukraine.

Read 1885 times Last modified on Mittwoch, 20 April 2022 10:34