W dniach 31 stycznia - 1 luty 2014 odbędzie się w CSNE międzynarodowa konferencja: Territorialisation of interest representation in times of economic crisis (Terytorializacja reprezentacji interesów w czasie kryzysu).
Spotkanie poświęcone jest problematyce reprezentacji interesów w kontekście kryzysu w Unii Europejskiej. Konferencja została organizowana we współpracy z University Association for Contemporary European Studies oraz Uniwersytetem w Belfaście. Poruszane będą tematy regionalizacji UE, społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Unii oraz organizacji interesów gospodarczych. Uczestniczyć w niej będą naukowcy z Chin, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Luksemburga, Niemiec, Polski, Rosji, Wielkiej Brytanii oraz Włoch.
Miejsce obrad:
Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy'ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, ul. Strażnicza 1-3
Język konferencji: angielski
Conference: Territorialisation of interest representation in times of economic crisis
Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław, Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław, Room 13
31 January – 01 February 2014
Coffee from 1200
12. 30 Opening & Welcome
Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, University of Wrocław and Ada Regelmann, Queen's University Belfast
12.45 Key note address & Discussion/Q&A
Dariusz Adamski, University of Wrocław
14.45 Panel 1 Territorialisation of interests and values in the times of crisis
Chair: Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, Discussant: Ada Regelmann
Jo Hunt/Kristof Kark, Cardiff University, The Implications of a Multispeed Europe on Parliamentary Representation
Lee McGowan, Queen's University Belfast, Assessing EU strategies of Engagement in Northern Ireland
Olga Kitaitseva, Russian State University for the Humanities Moscow, Social trust in the system of national administration of Eastern European countires
16.15 Panel 2 Regional and European actors in bottom-up processes
Chair: Ada Regelmann, Discussant: Timofey Agarin
Elżbieta Opiłowska/Monika Sus, Willy Brandt Centre, Horizontal Europeanisation as a tool to explore bilateral relations in Europe. A case of Germany and Poland
Elisabetta Nadalutti, Université du Luxembourg, Is the 'quadrangular' partnership promoted by ethnic grass-root groups in the Upper Adriatic a 'model' for boosting European integration processes?
10.00 Panel 3 Organizational challenges to economic interests in the EU
Chair: Timofey Agarin: Discussant: Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski
Beate Kohler-Koch, University of Mannheim, How to make up for territorial imbalance in industrial interests?
Christine Quittkat, University of Mannheim, A 'European Model' of interest intermediation? The case of national business interest associations
Urszula Kurczewska, Warsaw School of Economics, How to become a European actor? The case of Polish business interest associations
Krzysztof Jasiecki. Polish Academy of Science, Europeanization of Polish economic interests in the light of the Varieties of Capitalism approach
13.30 Panel 4 Germany and the crisis in Europe
Chair: Ada Regelmann, Discussant: Timofey Agarin
Nicole Scicluna, Collegio Carlo Alberto Turin, Domestic implications of reluctant hegemony: German 'euroscepticism' and the euro crisis
Stefan Auer, The University of Hong Kong, The tyranny of values: Germany and Europe in times of crisis
15.00 Concluding address & Discussion/Q&A
Dimitry Kochenov, University of Groningen
16.00 End of conference
Program do pobrania: Conference: Territorialisation of interest representation in times of economic crisis