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Norms and values of youths in Germany and Poland. Comparative analysis.

Funding Institution:

Polish-German Science Foudation

Participating Institutions:

WBZ in Wrocław, Institute of Sociology at Halle University, Germany

Projekt director:

Bernadette Jonda, PhD

Implementation period:

01.03.2011 — 31.08.2013

Team members:

Sylwester Zagulski, M.A./doctoral Candidate at the WBZ

Project description:

The project was devoted to research regarding the change of norms and values among youths in Germany and Poland, against the background of already 25 years of transformation in these countries.
In the centre of scientific interest were the following issues: significance and role of religion and church, change of family values, meaning of friendship, love and responsibility for others, attitude towards democracy and social engagement, attitude towards sexuality, violence and drugs, differences in the understanding of gender roles in the lives of young people.

In addition to examining changes of norms and the values system of young people against the background of transformation processes in both countries under the influence of the market economy as well as democratic processes, the project will also answer to what is the context of the volatility of social norms and values, resulting from the performance of society in handling risks, migration and globalization.
Another issue that has been examined is the question of young people's opinions regarding the European Union as well as their attitude towards the processes in its place. A glance on the next years of Polish membership in the European Union created an additional impetus to discuss the question of the impact this has on the stability of norms and values in both societies.

The project consisted of a qualitative (individual interview, group interviews, expert interviews) and a quantitative part (surveys written on a representative research sample in Poland and Germany).


Publication of the results in book form as well as at least in part an attempt to direct the record of results to the communities of youth in both countries (visits to schools etc.). After completion of the research phase, the gained knowledge will be transferred to the institution directly responsible for youth policy.



Read 11193 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 April 2023 00:52