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Polish (Poland)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)


środa, 30 listopada 2011


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Research projects:

Chair of History

Prof. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz

  • Europe in the caricatures of the 19th and 20th centuries
  • The „Neue Ostpolitik” of the German Republic. A contribution to the improvement of the peace in the world and the collapse of the Eastern bloc
  • The Germans and the German-Polish relations in contemporary Polish history books

Dr. Dariusz Wojtaszyn

  • Sport and sport fans in Germany
  • The Germans and the German-Polish relations in contemporary Polish history books

2.      Chair of German Studies


Prof. M. Zybura/Dr. M. Zielińska

  • History of German Studies in Poland (KBN-funded – Prof. Zybura, WBZ/ Prof. Kunicki, German Studies at Wroclaw University)
  • German-Polish cultural transfers in the 19th and 20th centuries (WBZ-German Studies at Wroclaw University 2012)

3.      Chair of Political Science


Prof. Dr. I.P. Karolewski, Dr. Monika Sus and graduate students

  • The transformative potential of the EU, financed by the National Research Center

4.      Chair of Economic and Social Sciences (Sociology)


Dr. E. Opilowska

  • Europeanization of border areas in East-West comparison
  • Europe at the crossroads. Between National State and Transnationalism (Research project in progress with M. Sus)
Czytany 60911 razy Ostatnio zmieniany środa, 21 listopada 2012 04:31