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Thursday, 02 April 2015

Rozpoczynamy cykl wykładów "Czy zrosło się to, co do siebie należy? - Niemcy w Europie 25 lat po zjednoczeniu"

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Did Grow Together, What Belongs Together?

Germany in Europe – 25 Years After Unification

Lecture Series at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies


At the 3rd of October 1990 two German states became one. This was not the end of an integration process but rather its beginning. Willy Brandt famously predicted a long integration process with his famous statement, made directly after the fall of the wall: “Now what belongs together will grow together.” 25 years after the unification the Willy Brandt Center reviews the German internal unification in a lecture series.


What has been left of the differences in East and West Germany? What is the situation today? During the year 2015, these questions will be discussed for various fields. The Willy Brandt Center is proud to present a number of well reputed experts in their fields who present their summarizing views on Germany’s internal unity.





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The inaugural lecture:

Prof. Dr. Jochen Roose

One, Two, Many – What does Mean to Integrate Societies? An Application to Germany and Europe


During the last 25 years Germany has been on a path of integrating not only two states, the old Federal Republic of Germany and the former German Democratic Republic, but also two societies. However, from a social science point of view the question what makes one society out of several parts is a tricky one.




What actually makes a number of people one society? The question is applicable to the formerly two Germanys as well as to the European Union. The presentation discusses several concepts and adds empirical information. To which extent are these criteria fulfilled – for the united Germany and for Europe? These thoughts are the set off for the lecture series on East-West differences in Europe 25 years after unification.


Prof. Dr. Jochen Roose holds the chair for social sciences at the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław. He specializes on Europeanization, participation, socio-ecologic transformation and methods of social research.


21.4.2015 (Tuesday) – 17:00 h

Willy Brandt Centrum, Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław

Lecture in english



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Read 7424 times Last modified on Friday, 17 April 2015 08:30