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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Prof. Barbara Thériault and dr Anna Kurpiel „Problem Words. Sociological Glossary of an East German and a Polish Town”

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Wykłady CSNE Kurpiel baner


Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław in cooperation with Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology University of Wrocław has a pleasure to invite you to a lecture: 


Problem Words. Sociological Glossary of an East German and a Polish Town

Barbara Thériault & Anna Kurpiel


The talk is a part of an ongoing research project that Barbara Thériault conducts in Erfurt and Anna Kurpiel in Kalisz. Facing problems after having used the word “bourgeoisie” in a previous paper, Barbara and Anna decided to put together a sociological glossary. Inspired by one of Milan Kundera’s essays, they have asked the project participants to define selected terms, but also to comment on life style issues (what it means to eat well, to dress well, to be beautiful). The responses, combined with observations and references to the theoretical literature, are the center of the sociological glossary through which they both attempt to find words that allow communication with their research participants and sociological insights.


Where: Room 208, Institute of Musicology UWr (Szewska 36, 50-139 Wrocław)

When: 31.05.2017 | 12:30


Lecture in english





Read 6242 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 16:12