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Wydarzenia (41)

It started here! The historic transformation of 1989 had its beginning in Poland –nobody doubts that in our country. And what about Germany? Was there a reaction to the events in our country just behind our western border, in the…
Prof. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz of the WBZ UWr. has been elected as a member of the curatorship of the Documentation Centre "Culture and History of Poles in Germany". The curatoship is formed of representatives of the Polish community, from culture and…
By initiative of Prof. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz, director of the CSNE, he and the director of the Public City Library of Wrocław (MBP), Andrzej Ociepa signed an agreement establishing close cooperation. The agreement stipulates the implementation of educational and popular scientific…

Muralowy Jam Session/ cz.2

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 Written by

Muralowy Jam Session cz.1

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 Written by

The Bene Merito award for Hans Golombek

Saturday, 21 December 2013 Written by
    Hans Golombek, a long-time senior staff member of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and a great supporter of the Willy Brandt Centre, has received the Bene Merito award.On the 12th of December 2013 Hans Golombek was awarded…
Malujemy graffiti na mrozie! Dzieciaki z Nadodrza, studenci z Polski i Niemiec, okoliczni mieszkańcy, wolontariusze z organizacji pozarządowych, profesjonalni writerzy, graficy i projektanci - kilkadziesiąt osób nie bacząc na warunki atmosferyczne całą środę będzie malowało wielki mural 20mx4m w centrum…
Podróż studyjna „Z Breslau do Wrocławia"   Od 12 do 13 listopada 2013 r. ponad 20 saksońskich i dolnośląskich nauczycieli oraz pracowników instytucji oświatowych uczestniczyło w podróży studyjnej do stolicy Dolnego Śląska. Podróż studyjna, zrealizowana w ramach projektu EWT „InterKulturManagement.…
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