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soren brinkmann2

Dr. habil. Sören Brinkmann

Chair of Political Sciences





+48 71 375 95 09

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09:00 - 10:00

15:15 - 16:15



Dr. habil. Sören Brinkmann is a historian with a strong expertise in contemporary European and Latin American history. In 2004 he received his PhD in Contemporary History from the FernUniversität in Hagen, in 2015 he obtained the ‘Habilitation’ degree from the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt. For almost 15 years Dr. Brinkmann has worked as an Assistant Professor at the Chair of Ibero-American Studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. From 2016 to 2020 he acted as DAAD-Visiting Professor leading the Institute of European Studies (IES) at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla (Colombia). In 2020 Dr. Brinkmann joined the Willy-Brandt-Centre at the University of Wroclaw as head of the Chair of Political Science.

In his earlier scholarly career Sören Brinkmann did research and published broadly on the contemporary history of Spain with special regard to the so called national question, the social construction of regional identities as well as to the politics of memory of the civil war and francoism. More recently he conducted an extensive research project on the history of food in twentieth century Brazil thus widening his scope of work to Latin America. Sören Brinkmann’s teaching covers a broad range of subjects reaching from his research topics and their examination in a comparative perspective, e.g. the regional question in Europe, to present-day Latin America as well as to different issues of the European integration process and its current crises.


  • Milch für die Tropen! Lebensmittelregulierung und Ernährungspolitik am Beispiel der städtischen Milchversorgung in Brasilien (1889-1964), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020

  • (with W. Bernecker) Kampf der Erinnerungen. Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg in Politik und Gesellschaft 1936-2006. Nettersheim: Verlag Graswurzelrevolution, 52011 [Spanish edition: Memorias divididas. Guerra civil y franquismo en la sociedad y la política españolas (1936-2008). Madrid: Abada Editores, 2009]

  • Katalonien und der Spanische Bürgerkrieg. Geschichte und Erinnerung. Berlin: Edition Tranvía, 2007


  • El Modelo Social Europeo y América Latina, Bogotá: Fundación Konrad Adenauer, 2019


  • “Guerra aos envenenadores do povo!” Os inícios da regulação de alimentos em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro (1889-1930). In: História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos 24 (2017), nr. 2, pp. 313-331 [English version: “Fight the Poisoners of the People!” The Beginnings of Food Regulation in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 1889-1930. In: História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, URL:]

  • „Kein Defekt der Rasse, sondern des Hungers“: Ernährungswissenschaft und Ernährungspolitik im Brasilien der Vargas-Ära (1930-1945). In: Norman Aselmeyer / Veronika Settele (eds.): Geschichte des Nicht-Essens, (Historische Zeitschrift / Special issue 73) Berlin 2018, pp. 175-201

  • Demokratie ohne Demokraten? Das Scheitern der Zweiten Republik in Spanien (1931-1936). In: Steffen Kailitz (ed.): Nach dem „Großen Krieg“. Vom Triumph zum Desaster der Demokratie 1918/19-1939, Göttingen 2017, pp. 407-429

  • Leite e modernidade: ideologia e políticas de alimentação na era Vargas. In: História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos 21 (2014), nr. 1, pp. 263-279, URL:

[LINK] Complete list of publications

  • Book project (with Vladimir Rouvinsky and Angélica Rodríguez) “Entre Este y Oeste. Estado, nación y conflicto en la Ucrania contemporánea” [Between East and West. State, nation, and conflict in contemporary Ukraine], Bogotá/Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, forthcoming 2021

  • Dossier (with José Buschini) “La cuestión de la leche en América Latina: expertos, mercados y políticas públicas en el siglo XX” [The Milk Question in Latin America: experts, markets, and public policies in the twentieth century], accepted in: História, Ciência, Saúde – Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro), forthcoming 2021

German (mother tongue), English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian (basic knowledge)