Workshop: "Contested solidarity: perceptions and attitudes towards the Russian war against Ukraine in Latin America and Europe"
Written by agnieszka
Polska i Niemcy przed nowymi wyzwaniami
Written by Agnieszka Grzeszczuk
Studenci przepytają polityków
Written by Agnieszka Grzeszczuk
"Prosto stój, gdy inni siedzą..." - wokół Tygodnia Filmu Niemieckiego
Written by agnieszka
Kartuzy. Debata naukowa "Kaszuby a Dolny Śląsk"
Written by agnieszka
Freitag, 11 März 2022
Presentation of the special issue "Milk and Public Health in Latin America"
Written by agnieszka
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Prezentacje książek
Latest from agnieszka
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- Ukraine between history and present: challenges of war, historical narratives and conflicts of interpretation
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- Public lecture: War-time volunteering and population displacement