dr Andrzej Dębski
Kierownik projektu
"Kino polskie i niemieckie na pograniczu kultur"
+48 608 651 875
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Studia ekonomii na Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu (1992-1998) oraz w Internationales Hochschulinstitut Żytawie (1996-2000); studia kulturoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim (1997-2003); seminarium doktorskie w Katedrze Germanistyki Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy’ego Brandta UWr (2004-2008: praca doktorska „Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918” pod opieką prof. Marka Zybury), obrona pracy doktorskiej na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach (2008); zajęcia filmoznawcze w Instytucie Kulturoznawstwa (2008-) oraz w Centrum im. W. Brandta UWr (2009-); współorganizacja konferencji „111 lat kina we Wrocławiu” (2007) i „Kino polskie i niemieckie na pograniczu kultur” (2011), sympozjum „55 lat filmowego Wrocławia” (2009), przeglądów filmowych „Kadry Wrocławia” (2008-2009), „Obrazy Żydów we współczesnym filmie niemieckim" (2011), „Polska oczyma niemieckich reżyserów" (2011-2012), "Spotkania PL-DE" (2012), "Ojczyzna - obczyzna: filmowa mapa migracji w Niemczech" (2012), "Kino nieme: sagi, mity, legendy" (2012-2013), "Kino nieme a kobiety mają głos" (2013); kierownik projektu „Kino polskie i niemieckie na pograniczu kultur” (2010-)
Historia kina, regionalne historie kina, wczesne kino, kino polskie i niemieckie
monografia „Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918” (Wrocław 2009); praca zbiorowa „Wrocław będzie miastem filmowym… Z dziejów kina w stolicy Dolnego Śląska” (red. z Markiem Zyburą, Wrocław 2008); praca zbiorowa „Stanisław Lenartowicz twórca osobny” (red. z Rafałem Bubnickim, Wrocław 2011); praca zbiorowa "W drodze do sąsiada. Polsko-niemieckie spotkania filmowe" (red. z Andrzejem Gwoździem, Wrocław 2013)
- członkowstwo w Polskim Towarzystwie Kulturoznawczym (2005-)
- stypendium im. Fritza Sterna (2006)
- stypendium Marszałka Województwa Dolnośląskiego (2008-2009)
Roland Benedikter, PhD
Research Professor in residence, Multidisciplinary Political Analysis
1 Project leader, Europe's Constellation: Challenges and Debates on the Path Towards A Post-Crisis Arrangement
2 Project leader, Matteo Renzi’s Italy: Situation and Perspectives of the Third-Largest Eurozone Economy in Transition from the Second to the Third Republic. A Multidisciplinary Nation Study (Konrad Adenauer Foundation)
+48 608 651 875
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Studies of Languages and Literatures at the University of Padova (Dottorato quadriennale, 110/110 cum laude), of Sociology (Dr. phil.) and Political Science (Dr. rer. Pol.) at the Free University of Berlin and of Educational Science (Dr. phil.) at the University of Innsbruck. Postgraduate Diplomas in Interdisciplinary Area Studies (USA, University of New Orleans; and South East Asia, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok), in Social and Cultural Psychology (University of Northampton) and in Research Methods in the Socio-Cultural Sciences (Georgetown University). 1995-2003 Speaker and Secretary of the Minister for Culture, Schooling and Science of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol-Alto Adige (Italy), of the President of the Cultural Commission of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and of the Vice President of the Federal Union of European National Minorities (FUEN), 2003-2009 Lecturer, Visiting Professor, fellow and researcher at the Universities of Vienna, Columbia New York, RMIT Melbourne, Georgetown and Founding External Advisor and Examiner of Social Studies Programs, University of Plymouth. 2009-13 Research Affiliate, The Europe Center, Stanford University, 2008-15 Research Scholar, Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, 2009-13 with duties as European Foundation Research Professor of Multidisciplinary Political Analysis in residence.
- European Union
- Italy
- Regional Autonomies
- European Transnational Minorities
- Italienische Politikphilosophie, Springer Verlag Berlin 2016.
- Italienische Moralphilosophie, Springer Verlag Berlin 2016.
- Matteo Renzi’s Italy. Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 17/2 (2016).
- Mario Monti and the European Debt Crisis. Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 14/2 (2012).
- Is Poland Really Lost? Poland’s Contested Governance Reforms and the Further Role of the Central European area (CEE) in the European Union. Stanford University Working Paper, March 2016, http://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/publication/poland-really-lost-poland%E2%80%99s-contested-governance-reforms-and-further-role-central.
- Poland’s Crisis: A Chance for European Union Reform. In: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (GJIA). The official Journal of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, March 2016, http://journal.georgetown.edu/polands-crisis-a-chance-for-european-union-reform/.
- Europe Cannot Remain What It Is. Lessons from Europe’s debt crisis: Governmental union, fiscal union and European civil religion. Publication Series of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation: Social and Economic Governance Programme Tokyo 2013, http://www.kas.de/japan/en/publications/36034/.
- Braucht Europa eine Zivilreligion? Pro und Contra. Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover: Philosophy In Debate, März 2014, http://philosophie-indebate.de/1635/pro-und-contra-braucht-europa-eine-zivilreligion/.
- Europa braucht eine Zivilreligion. Ein unterbewerteter Aspekt der Zukunftsdebatte. In: Stimmen der Zeit, Band 232, Heft 1/2014 (Januar), http://www.herdershop24.de/index.php?cl=details&anid=3976706&cnid=2543372&campaign=STDZ/archiv&herderAffiId=stidz.
See also - list of publications ad activities: http://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/people/roland_benedikter
- Scientific Board, Austrian Society for European Politics
- Trustee, Toynbee Prize Foundation Boston
- Scientific Advisory Board, Harvard International Review
- Scientific Advisory Board, Welttrends. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik
- Senior Research Scholar, Council on Hemispheric Affairs Washington D.C.
- Full Member, Club of Rome
- Ordinary Member of the German, Austrian and South Tyrolean (Italian) Associations of Political Science
German, Italian, English, Spanish