Leszek Żak
Presentation WBZ
Core topics within the framework of the interdisciplinary Bachelor (BA) and Master (MA) courses “European Diplomacy” and the respective disciplines
- Chair of History
Prof. Dr. habil. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz
BA/MA „European Diplomacy“:
- History of Diplomacy in the 19th and 20th century
- History of international relations since 1945
- Foreign policy of Poland
BA und MA „History“:
- History of the world since 1945
- History of European integration in the 20th century
- The German Nazi-criminals in the Polish courts and their punishment
- Visualization of History: Questions – Methods – Practice
- History of Germany in the 19th and 20th century
- Polish-German relations in the 20th century
Dr. Dariusz Wojtaszyn
BA und MA „European Diplomacy“:
- History of international relations since 1945
- Foreign policy of Poland
- Post-Cold War diplomacy
BA „Journalism and Social Communication“:
History of Poland in the 20th century
MA „History“:
- History of Germany in the 19th century
- Chair of German Studies
Prof. M. Zybura/Dr. M. Zielińska
- History of European Culture and Society
- European Discourse: art, literature, philosophy
- (Multi-) Cultural identities
- Social and cultural communication/literary communication
- Communication in the media
Prof. M. Zybura
Research seminar for graduates
- The legacy of Heinrich Kunstmann: Polish literature in the German-speaking area/German-Polish cultural transfer
- Germans in Poland: History of the Wroclaw Diaspora after 1945
3. Chair of Political Science
Prof. Dr. habil. I. Karolewski
- European Integration/EU Studies
- Comparative Nationalism Research
- Political Theory
- International Relations and Foreign Policy
Research seminar for graduates in Political and Social Sciences (together with Prof. Spohn):
- European Integration/Europeanization
- European nationalism
- European religion
- European immigration and multiculturalism
- National and European identities
Dr. Monika Sus
- European Integration
- EU Studies
- International Relations and Foreign Policy
4. Chair of Economic and Social Sciences (Sociology)
Research seminar for graduates in Political and Social Sciences (together with Prof. Karolewski):
- European Integration/Europeanization
- European nationalism
- European religion
- European immigration and multiculturalism
- National and European identities
Dr. Elzbieta Opiłowska
- Globalization and regionalization
- Ethnicity, nationality and multiculturalism in Europe
- History of the European integration
Research projects:
1. Chair of History
Prof. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz
- Europe in the caricatures of the 19th and 20th centuries
- The „Neue Ostpolitik” of the German Republic. A contribution to the improvement of the peace in the world and the collapse of the Eastern bloc
- The Germans and the German-Polish relations in contemporary Polish history books
Dr. Dariusz Wojtaszyn
- Sport and sport fans in Germany
- The Germans and the German-Polish relations in contemporary Polish history books
2. Chair of German Studies
Prof. M. Zybura/Dr. M. Zielińska
- History of German Studies in Poland (KBN-funded – Prof. Zybura, WBZ/ Prof. Kunicki, German Studies at Wroclaw University)
- German-Polish cultural transfers in the 19th and 20th centuries (WBZ-German Studies at Wroclaw University 2012)
3. Chair of Political Science
Prof. Dr. I.P. Karolewski, Dr. Monika Sus and graduate students
- The transformative potential of the EU, financed by the National Research Center
4. Chair of Economic and Social Sciences (Sociology)
Dr. E. Opilowska
- Europeanization of border areas in East-West comparison
- Europe at the crossroads. Between National State and Transnationalism (Research project in progress with M. Sus)