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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Polish-German doctoral program

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The Polish-German doctoral program "Poland and Germany in contemporary Europe" is a new initiative of the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies in Wrocław and the Centre for East European Studies of Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
The seminar will primarily promote research on the history and culture of Poland and Germany, with particular emphasis on their common relations and cooperation. Special emphasis is devoted to aspects such as: Transnational influences between the two countries and European references to the history and present of Poland and Germany.

Thematic/scientific fields of the doctoral program:

  • Europe as condition and vision in Polish-German relations
  • Political and cultural attitudes of loyalty in Poland and Germany
  • Migration and knowledge transfer
  • Socio-cultural asymmetries and cultural patterns of perception in the process of change – Poland and Germany against the European background


In accordance with the research program, the objective of the studies is the development of theories and methods as a basis for scientific work. All participants of the program will acquire the methodological instruments they need as tools of their research. At the same time, they should be able to classify their own research projects into the international and interdisciplinary scientific context. The use of this theoretical and methodical base in the doctoral seminar will be conducted in close exchange between the two research centres. This will be done both by establishing a common reading canon and by joint activities and lectures.

Elements of the study program:
A one-week methodical and theoretical seminar taking place in Darmstadt and conducted by staff of the German Poland Institute (DPI)
A yearly held summer school. It will serve to exchange views between Poles and Germans, building a research network in the context of "Poland and Germany in contemporary Europe" and facilitate contacts with other scientists.
Workshops and meeting of young scientists. They will take place annually, topics will be selected by the participants themselves.
The possibility to publish: As summary of the meetings, group works will be issued, enabling the doctoral candidates to publish the results of their research.
Stays abroad: The doctoral candidates will spend at least one semester (six months) at the partner institution.
Co-tutelle process: The binationality of the program will give the doctoral candidates the possibility to achieve their doctoral grade at two universities, i. e. in Munich and Wrocław, helping them to fin a job also in the neighbor country.


Basic requirements:

  • Finished master studies with at least the mark "good"
  • Command of Polish/German (language skills may be improved during the correspondent language courses)
  • Project sketch – 4-6 pages
Read 52279 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 11:10