Prof. Dr. Marek Zybura
Full Professor and Chair of German Studies
24 WBZ
+48 71 375 95 12
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11:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 11:30
German language and literature studies as well as history of art (1976–1980) at the University of Wroclaw and the University of Vienna (scholarship for master’s degree granted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research), master thesis: „Die literarische Vermittler-Rolle Ludwig Tiecks als Übersetzer und Herausgeber. Sein Beitrag zur frühromantischen Idee der Weltliteratur” (Ludwig Tieck’s role as an intermediator, translator and publisher. His contribution to the early romantic idea of world literature) 1989, University of Wroclaw, professorial degree (habilitation): „August Scholtis. Untersuchungen zu Leben – Werk – Wirkung” (August Scholtis. Life – work – impact) 1997, University of Wroclaw; titular professor (2002); 1981-1998 research fellow in the Institute of German Philology at the University of Wroclaw; 1998-2004 research fellow at the institute of German Philology at the University of Opole: head of Institute for literature and cultural history of the German-speaking countries in the 19th und 20 thcentury; since 2004 head of chair for German language and literature studies in the Willy Brandt Centre; 2008–2009 Deputy Director of the WBZ
History of German literature, German–Polish cultural relations, Polish literature of the 20th century (W. Gombrowicz, M. Hłasko, J. Mackiewicz, T. Karpowicz, T. Różewicz), history of Germans and of German cultural heritage in Poland
- Ludwig Tieck as translator and publisher. The early romantic idea of a „deutsche Weltliteratur”. Heidelberg 1994
- August Scholtis 1901-1969. Life, work and impact. Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich 1997
- Pomniki niemieckiej przeszłości. Dziedzictwo kultury niemieckiej na ziemiach zachodnich i północnych Polski. (Memorial sites of the German past. The heritage of German culture in North and Western Poland. Warschau 1999
- Niemcy w Polsce. Wrocław 2001
- German cultural heritage in Silesia after 1945, Görlitz 2005
- Querdenker, Vermittler, Grenzüberschreiter (Lateral thinkers, intermediators, boundary-crossing personalities. Contributions to German and Polish literature and cultural history. With a preface written by Jürgen Joachimsthaler. Dresden 2007
- Sąsiedztwo zobowiązuje. Polskie i niemieckie (pre)teksty literacko-kulturowe. (Neighbourhood oblidges. German and Polish literal-cultural texts) with preface written by Leszek Szaruga. Poznań 2007
- Editor of several anthologies, source editions, dictionaries
- (Co-)editor of academic series e.g.: „Oppelner Beiträge zur Germanistik” (Frankfurt/M. 1999), „Arbeiten zur Neueren deutschen Literatur“ (Dresden 2000
- „Polonica leguntur. Literatura polska w krajach języka niemieckiego” (Polish literature in German speaking countries) (Kraków 2002)
- „Breslauer Trouvaillen. Editionen zur Literatur und Kulturgeschichte (Dresden 2006)
- "Mundus Polonicus” (Dresden 2007)
- DAAD scholarship at the university of Munich (1988/89)
- scholarship granted by the Conference of German Academies of Sciences for the research centre East-Central Europe at the University of Dortmund (1993/94)
- scholarship granted by the foundation ‘Weimarer Klassik’ in Weimar
- scholarship granted by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the institute for German language and literature studies at the university of Düsseldorf (1995/96, 1996/97) and the Central Europe Centre of the TU Dresden (2000/01; 2001/02)
- 1990 Oskar Seidlin-Award (for the research in the field of German "Romantik")
- 1996 Pióro Fredry-Award (Award for Polish editors for the best book of the year in the category of popular sciences literature): Pisarze niemieckojęzyczni XX wieku. PWN: Warszawa-Wrocław 1996
- Member of the Polish Writers' Association – since 1992
- Co-founder and member of the editorial board of the journal "Dykcja: Pismo literacko-artystyczne" (Wrocław 1996).
- Co-founder and editor-in-chief of the book series "Oppelner Beiträge zur Germanistik" (Peter Lang: Frankfurt/M. with Maria K. Lasatowicz, 1999).
- Co-editor of the book series ‚Arbeiten zur Neueren deutschen Literatur‘ (Thelem, Dresden, with Dorothee Kimmich, Walter Schmitz and Detlev Schoettker)
- Co-founder and editor-in-chief of the book series ‚Polonica leguntur’ (Universitas, Cracow, with Andreas Lawaty, German Ritz and Alois Woldan).
- Member of Copernikus Group
- Member of the Supervisory board: Dresdner Osteuropa Institut e.V.