Agnieszka Grzeszczuk
Genocide in History and Law - workshop
Genocide in History and Law
Wroclaw, October 5-7, 2023
Submission deadline for proposals: May 1, 2023.
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies (Wroclaw).
The workshop is led by Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel (Munich), Prof. Dr. Gelinada Grinchenko (Wuppertal) and Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz (Wroclaw).
Workshop venue: Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy'ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, ul. Strażnicza 1–3, 50-206 Wrocław
The German-Ukrainian Historical Commission is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.
For organizational questions please contact:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / +49 89 2180-3056 /
The classification of mass crimes as genocide, according to the UN Genocide Convention (1948) has become a political issue today and is claimed by various victim groups. Since 2006, when the Ukrainian Parliament declared the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people, Ukraine has confidently sought international ratification of this assessment. Today, during the large-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, the scholars are once again discussing Russian atrocities in Ukraine through the conceptual prism of genocide.
This workshop for German and Ukrainian doctoral students in history and law plans to discuss the topic broadly and in an interdisciplinary and comparative framework with other historical case studies (including, e.g., Armenians, Herero and Nama, Sinti and Roma, Tutsi/Rwanda, Bosniaks/Srebrenica, etc.).
Among other aspects, we wish to discuss the applicability of the concept of genocide in historical and legal scholarship, the historical contexts in which the UN Genocide Convention came into being in the aftermath of WWII and the Holocaust, the scientific and public controversies it has evoked, and whether a future expansion of the term’s definition in the UN Convention is desirable, especially concerning the ongoing war in Ukraine.
The German-Ukrainian Historical Commission invites young researchers to participate in the international workshop in Wroclaw (Poland), where they will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas and research projects (e.g. PhD dissertations). The workshop will consist of lectures from specialists in this topic and presentations of the participants’ research projects and their discussion. The workshop program will be announced after the selection of participants.
Overall, the workshop can support up to 10 researchers. The group should be composed, as far as possible, of an equal number of researchers from Ukraine and Germany. The language of the workshop is English. The German-Ukrainian Historical Commission bears the costs for accommodation and meals and will refund the travel expenses.
Please send us your application in English with CV, a short motivational letter and an abstract of your research project (max. 300 words) in one PDF-file by May 1, 2023 to following address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Pracownia Badań nad Filmem i Kulturą Audiowizualną Niemieckiego Obszaru Językowego
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Plan zajęć w semestrze letnim 2022-2023 | | class schedule in summer semester 2022-2023
/Schedule of classes held at the W. Brandt Center in the summer semester 2022/2023
Więcej o:
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*plan może jeszcze ulec drobnym zmianom | the timetable is still subject to minor changes
Organizacja roku akademickiego 2022-2023 na UWr
/Academic year calendar 2022/2023
01.10.2022 – 21.02.2023 |
22.02.2023-30.09.2023 |
Uroczysta Inauguracja – 03.10.2022
Okres zajęć dydaktycznych – 06.10.2022 – 07.02.2023*
dni rektorskie
przerwa świąteczna – 22.12.2022 – 02.01.2023
Sesja egzaminacyjna semestru zimowego – 08.02.2023 – 21.02.2023
*10.11.2022 w czwartek – przeprowadzone będą zajęcia piątkowe |
Okres zajęć dydaktycznych – 22.02.2023 – 20.06.2023*
Sesja poprawkowa semestru zimowego – 22.02.2023 – 28.02.2023
dni rektorskie
przerwa świąteczna – 06.04.2023 – 11.04.2023
Sesja egzaminacyjna semestru letniego – 21.06.2023 – 04.07.2023
Przerwa semestralna (letnia)
* 07.06.2023 w środę – przeprowadzone będą zajęcia piątkowe |
Zdrowych i spokojnych Świąt!
W imieniu swoim i pracowników Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego składam wszystkim naszym Przyjaciołom i Partnerom życzenia zdrowych i radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, spędzonych w gronie najbliższych.
Dziękujemy Państwu serdecznie za współpracę w mijającym roku i życzymy, aby rok 2023 był czasem śmiałych planów i twórczych pomysłów oraz wielu sukcesów, zarówno zawodowych, jak i osobistych, a wszystkie jego dni były szczęśliwe i pełne optymizmu.
Gemeinsam mit mit den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern des Willy Brandt Zentrums für Deutschland- und Europastudien der Universität Wrocław wünsche ich allen unseren Freunden und Partnern besinnliche und fröhliche Weihnachtsfeiertage im Familien- und Freundeskreis. Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich für die wertvolle Zusammenarbeit in diesem Jahr und wünsche Ihnen alles Beste für das Jahr 2023, das eine Zeit kühner Pläne und kreativer Ideen sein mag. Mögen Sie viele berufliche und persönliche Erfolge, viel Glück, Gesundheit und Optimismus in Ihrem Alltag haben.
Together with the Team of the Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies of the University of Wrocław, I wish all our friends and partners a happy and healthy Christmas with your loved ones. Thanking you very much for your cooperation during the past year, I would like to wish you all the best and courage to fulfil your plans in the New Year 2023, which may be time of bold plans and creative ideas. I wish you all the success, much happiness and optimism in your everyday life.
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz